My friend, Anne and I met on-line through the Papercrafts magazine site a couple of years ago and have enjoyed getting to actually meet face to face three times now : ) She is a SWEETHEART! and a talented paper crafter! This is a picture of the two of us taken at the Stamp Expo in St. Paul, Minnesota a couple of weeks ago.
I got to see Anne again this weekend when I drove to her ---> amazingly beautiful home nestled in the woods in Wisconsin to bring her a gift of some tomato plants.
The best part of the day was getting to meet her sweet little boy, Joe. He is over the top cute! and as sweet as his Mom.
Meeting on-line friends is such a joy. Anne and I live about 2 hours apart but compared to some of my friends that is close! : )
I hope you get to hug a friend today! : )