A Fabulous Blog Award! and coming from Susan this is quite an honor!! In order to accept my award I need to confess 5 addictions that I have. Then I must select 5 of my favorite blogs and ask them to do the same to collect their award! : )
I hate to be a party pooper but I actually don't have any addictions LOL I'm not being snooty here - let me explain! I know this about myself because ---> I have thought at times that I WAS addicted but when I attempted to go without I found I was able to without minimal "pain" So here is a list of some things that I desperately want but can, if I have to, live without : ) hows that? do you think I'll still get the award?? We'll have to see what the judges have to say!
1. DIET PEPSI! it runs in my veins
2. Chocolate well, it doesn't run in my veins but I wish it did and down my chin and off the tips of my fingers!
3. Paper : ) when I buy paper I must buy at least two sheets of the same color because otherwise I don't want to use it. Because if I use it then it'll be gone. I do the same thing with stickers which is really weird because I don't ever use stickers in my card making! I just love stickers LOL
4. Laughter. I actually laugh every day! I love my life and I love my husband. He is the best person I have ever known and BONUS he is really funny! If I don't laugh at some point during even the worst day I feel I am forced to play a joke on my DH like hide his toothbrush or short sheet his side of the bed so that when he attempts to get ready for bed I'll have something to laugh at : ) It hardly ever comes to that .... he usually hides my toothbrush or...... LOL
5.water! I think I am actually addicted to water. Does that count? LOL I'm so boring heehee
Ok lets see what my friends:
SusanJenKatieLisaSuzanne :0
<---love it!
addictions are! Thanks for playing along girls and BTW Your blogs ARE fabulous!!
(((Hugs))) Patti