Really?? December is here? I can barely believe it! Just remember how fast time is zipping by when you are freezing under a blanket of snow!! : ) It will be sunshine and flowers before you know it right?? Well until then let's play some more with Penny Black's "First Snow" release available in the on-line store HERE.
My card today was created using First Snow products with a slight twist. I have a niece and a great nephew who celebrate their birthdays on Christmas Eve so I pulled out my trusty Misti and made an easy modification : )
I have been a bit MIA again. I don't know how it happens but time just whooshes by even when I'm not ready! I had a wonderful visit with my family - although it was way too short!! We did, in fact, spend a great deal of time painting - also sightseeing, playing games, laughing hysterically and eating really really good Keto food!!. My sister, Susan, is a very talented painter and is a wonderful teacher to boot so I really learned a lot!! Susan subscribes monthly Louise De Masi's water color classes on Patreon. I had never heard of Patreon but I now subscribe too!! I will include a link to Louise's You Tube channel where she introduces a Hydrangea we painted and ultimately directs you to Patreon for anyone interested.
Here is my only finished painting from our visit but I'm in progress on another painting of a Rose that I hope turns out 1/2 as good as my sister's.
This is called a Fairy Wren : ) I won't point out the things I hate about my painting but overall I really enjoyed painting this bird especially with my sister and niece painting beside me!! : ) To give you some perspective on the size of the painting - the bird from it's long toe to top of his feathers is 9".
That is it for me : ) before I go here is a "boy version" of my COOL birthday card.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by! I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!!
BIG (((hugs)))

Penny Black Supplies:
Swirly Stitches #51-502
Heap of Happy #30-640
Frosty Hello #30-649
Good Wishes #30-541
So good to see you, Patti! Sounds like you are busy living a full and busy life. It's the season you are in and I'm sure you are relishing it. YOur cards are adorable. Love those critters stacked like that and your coloring is terrific. That painting though....that is stunning and gorgeous! Your sister isn't the only one with talent, let me tell you! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! Can't wait to see more, if you are of a mind to share. Crafty hugs!
Oh Patti...both of your cards are ADORABLE, but your painting is the star of this post! Oh my gosh girl, it is AMAZING!! So much detail and just absolutely beautiful!! You are so gifted!! Hugs. :0)
Your little critters are so adorable! I really love the soft colors on the top card and your boy card is just as cute too!! As for your painting, you've done SUCH an amazing job with it! Wow, you've done amazing with your watercolor on that sweet bird!! Well doene!
Your cards are adorable! Love those little critters all stacked up. But holy smokes girl...your painting is magnificent!! I see NOTHING to hate about it!
Wow,! I love your cards and the painting of the bird is beautiful. Sounds like you had great fun with your family.
Well, you snuck that beautiful birdie in for me, didn't you? I can't wait to show it to Jim! You make Penny Black look so good, Patti! That bear won't get to hibernate this winter with all her cuteness!
If I had your painting talent I might spend more time doing that and less time on card making, Patti. Notice I said "might" because I love it - and your darling cards.
Oh my goodness Patti you are so very talented. I fell in love with your watercolor the minute I aw it and could not see any is perfectly beautiful. I am happy to read your life has been busy and full of wonderful people. I have recently been looking at Keto but wondering if I should wait till after the Christmas feasting is over. Love your card too <3 I pray Gods Blessings upon your life this Christmas. Thanks for being such a beautiful soul!
Both the feminine, and masculine versions of your cards are adorable, Patti!
After I picked my jaw up off of the floor, I must tell you … I'd pay you for this beauty - without a frame!!! You've found your calling, my friend!!
Your fairy wren is exquisitely painted Patti - love it
Both your Birthday cards are wonderful too :)
Oh wow, your little bird is fabulous! I know you said in your recent post that anyone could do it, but hmmmm I don't think so!! Love it!
Your cards are so sweet, you've had fun with your new Penny Black goodies x
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